
is it 4:20 already?

So a couple months ago I was walking down the hall at work and noticed a new painting on the wall. This wasn’t unusual since the floor had recently been renovated. Below is what I saw.

Marijuana themed art piece

Click for a larger view

An interesting painting of a rural gas station. As I walked by the advertisement painted on the side of the gas station caught my eye.

marijuana themed art piece

Click for a larger view

As I looked closer at the painting I found more and more interesting things.

marijuana themed art piece

click for a larger view

Quite a surprising thing to find at 8:00 in the morning at work!

marijuana themed art piece

click for a larger view

Please note: I do not use or condone the use of marijuana, though I do think jail sentences for drug offenders rivaling those for murders is ridiculous and a waste of taxpayer money.

By James on January 8, 2010 | Funny | A comment?
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